G'day everyone,
This is my guide on how to make money, where to buy things and also the good training spots.
How to train:
Well i personally think Ahrim is the best to train on when you start - mostly because Ahrim doesnt fight back. Once you reach a level suitable for fighting Fire Giants i recomend those because they drop rune items, big bones (good for prayer) coins and fire runes.
When you reach the level 100 area metal dragons such as (bronze, iron, steel) are good for money making because they drop dragon items such as dragon legs, dragon medium helm, dragon square sheild, dragon boots, along with rune items.
When you feel you are high enough to take on the Kalphite Queen thats where the real money is to be made, The Kalphite queen drops dragon legs much more often than dragons, but one thing that you will all be happy about is the dragon chain
note: Kalphite queen hits up to 80s rarely 90s.
To achieve a firecape you must defeat Jad. In order for you to do that you need to be atleast level 90+
Jad hits pretty high i recomend you melee him or even take a friend with you it may help.
Where are all the shops you ask?
All your shops from low level items all the way up to the high level items such as GODSWORDS can be found in Al-Kharid (just press the shops icon in the emotion list).
sorry i dont have any pictures to add right now they will come later